Restored bow top wagon
Stunning bow top in excellent condition. Well fitted out inside, a much loved and cared for wagon with an art deco feel to it. Wheels are pneumatic artillery wheels.
A stove can be added, we can fit an outbacker stove for an additional £500, including stove, flues, flashing and fitting.
Length 10ft 3ins (313cm) with deck protruding another 8ins making 10ft 11ins overall (333cm)
Width 6ft 10.5ins (205cm)
Height to deck is 2ft 10ins, from deck 6ft 2ins, making 9ft (274cm) overall.
The pneumatic artillery wheels are R19 pressed steel with 5 studs. The term artilley wheels derives from the pattern initially used as a pattern for the first pressed steel wheels made for cars which was based on the sturdy wheels used to move horsedrawn artillery.
£15,000Delivery Price on application. (About £2.50 per mile from SY21 Welshpool postcode area.)
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